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> Cookies and cookie usage
Questo è il file che hai scelto di consultare
Using cookies is optional, but strongly recommended. Cookies are used to keep track of many various bits of information on the board, including automatically logging you in when returning to the board.

If your computer is unable to use the cookie system to browse the board correctly, then the board will automatically add in a session ID to each link to track you around the board.

Clearing Cookies

You can clear the cookies at any time by clicking on the link found at the bottom of the main board page (the first page you see when returning to the board). If this does not work for you, you may need to remove the cookies manually.

Internet Explorer 7:
  • Click the "Tools" menu at the top of the browser.
  • Choose "Internet Options" item.
  • Under the "Browsing History" section, click the "Delete" button.
  • Choose the option to delete your cookies.
Internet Explorer 6:
  • Click the "Tools" menu at the top of the browser.
  • Choose "Internet Options" item.
  • Under the "Temporary Internet Files" section, click the "Delete Cookies" button.
  • Click the "Tools" menu at the top of the browser.
  • Choose the "Clear Private Data" item.
  • Ensure that the "Cookies" item is selected.
  • Click the button labeled "Clear Private Data Now".
  • Choose the "Tools" menu at the top of the browser.
  • Choose the "Preferences" item.
  • Choose the "Advanced" option.
  • Select the "Cookies" option.
  • Choose "Manage Cookies".
  • Select the website that you wisht o clear the cookies for.
  • Choose the "Delete" option.
  • From the "Safari" menu, choose the "Preferences" item.
  • From the Security dialog box, choose "Bookmarks".
  • Click "Show Cookies".
  • Choose a cookie (or cookies) to delete, or click the "Remove All" button.

Versione Lo-Fi Oggi è il: 21 Jan 2025 - 20:48

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Contattaci a staff@ferraraforum.it - visitatori dal 25 Marzo 2005 ( oggi)